A L L   R I V E R S   F L O W   T O   T H E   O C E A N

This list of resources is meant to give you a flavoring of my philosophical orientation, interest, and a snap shot of my educational experiences thus far. I consider these lineages as influences and do not subscribe to any one tradition without discernment. If you have questions about any aspect of my educational journey, please ask me. I’m happy to elaborate.

My studies range in depth from extended formal in-person programs, to weekend seminars, to online classes and shorter more informal programs, to countless youtube lectures, books, and podcasts. As well as on-going in person studying with elders and peers within my spiritual communities (which will not be specifically named here). Here is a general timeline of my story and studies. All in all, I am deeply grateful for the many rivers flowing to and through me, as I continue to be shaped by their currents.


Portrait by Starseed Studios ~ summer 2023 at Becoming VESSEL ceremony


(no certification required, only commitment to listen, practice, and be in continual relationship with)



Sìth, the Good People

The land, beings of place

My beloved child

My IRL relationships: clients, colleagues, friends, blood family, chosen family, medicine family, and wider community members

Second sight, in-sight, already-here inner elders

Ancestors by blood lineage, milk lineage, culturally (including adoptive cultures and way back ancestral cultures), and beyond human kin

Many deities (not limited to): The Primordial One, Shiva + Shakti, Yin + Yang, the Elementals (Wind, Fire, Water, Earth), the many faces of the Goddess (Sheela na gig, Cailleach, Bridget, Isis, the Black Madonna, Mary, Kundalini, Kali, Sky Woman) and God (Odin, Dagda, Jesus, Pan, Dionysus, the Green Man), the Tree of Life + the Serpent, the Sacred Waters and Wells, the Fates/Norns, the Muses, the natural forces otherwise known as the Old Gods.

Grandmothers, Grandfathers, entheogens, plant teachers

Many animal and plant totems, all of which wish to remain unnamed here.

My medicine bag full of stones.

Music, art, dance


Stories, myth

Sensations, emotions, eros

Ritual, trance practice, offerings




David Miller : A Year In Plants

Erin Langley + Clarissa Gunawan : Dao of Dreaming year-long series (completed in 2023, reviewing and practicing in 2024)

Joshua Michael Schrei : Mythic Body program (3rd year, 2nd year as a facilitator) + bi-monthly The Emerald study groups (4th year)

Liu Ming : recorded lectures, on-going self study

Mary McLaughin : traditional Irish singing, keening and fairy songs, monthly private lessons

Odeya Nini : Free the Voice

Multiple community teachers of medicine ways indigenous to Turtle Island (ask me in person about these teachings, they are not meant to live here)