Blood on the Altar is a vocally lush and rhythmically pulsing offering to our living earth in these changing times;

a death practice and procession of lamentation and praise songs in devotion to the animate world;

a collection of enchantments born out of the void of pandemic era isolation, mixed with the longing for connection with the sensual, personal and collective struggles while composting old ghosts, the erotic emergent spirit, the mystery, and the practice of learning to humbly listen to all the beings who make up our whole.

These sonic spells are not about specific personal circumstances, but rather open portals to on-going conversations among varying voices and perspectives, exploring shifting relational landscapes.

Together polyphonic melodies and beats create larger moving mandalas designed to induce trance states and invoke spirits.


All songs written by Portia Richardson. Vocals, midi, piano by Portia Richardson, with additional vocals on “Wind + Rain” by Sol Anzorena and Tom Grotewohl. Beats and synth by Jesse Whitney. Co-produced by Jesse Whitney and Portia Richardson. Mastering by Dead Air Studios. Cover art by Portia Richardson.  Photography by Lindsay Labahn with headdresses by Portia Richardson and Jesse Whitney.


I am dedicating this album, in gratitude, to my teachers in spirit: Land, River of Life, Tree of Life, Fae Folk, Guardians of the Heart Temple, Brigid and the Cailleach, Pan, Green Man and Horned Gods, Dionysus, Odin, Norns, Sirens, Keeners, way-back Ancestors, plant and mushroom people, animal kin, Moon, and Mother Death. My human mentors and fellow practitioners who have held and inspired me during the creation of this album. My underground community of magical wyrdos who weave with me. And most of all, to my beloved child Rohan, who is my most profound teacher of love and life - it’s all for you always.

Released for digital download via Bandcamp on July 25, 2022, the day outside time.

Released for streaming on all the platforms on August 11, 2022, full moon in Aquarius.



Scinnlaece : My Lover The Goat


Scinnlaece : The Garden