H O W  W E  H O L D  E A C H  O T H E R

My practice is relational and founded on reciprocity, mutuality and shared respect. This means we recognize and honor each others’ contexts and communicate proactively as we move together through time.

If you want to connect with me, I ask that you commit to the following relational agreements with me.

These agreements are born from a decade+ of practicing navigating many different types of professional relationships - as well as working with my guides, elders, and mentors to foster a strong sense of professional integrity and ability to communicate opening and directly - and to show up willingly in good faith and act with the intention of strengthening connections and honoring the web of our relationships in mutually beneficial ways. 

I am open to these agreements continuing to collaboratively clarify and refine, and I welcome your feedback. 


  • Show up fully to our work together with honesty, integrity, attention, presence, care, creativity, passion, skillfulness, and commitment to the process - and approach our relationship with good faith and respect for your wants, needs, and choices.

  • Honor your choices and autonomy to access my services at your own discretion - as well as respect your process of healing, learning, and co-creating without judgment or personal agenda.

  • Tend to the spirit of our relationship through the energetics of devotion to reciprocity, mutuality, and shared respect vs transactional extraction and individual entitlement - and be considerate about the impact that my choices and actions have on you.

  • Proactively communicate clear and direct expectations as needed, with regards to logistics and relational dynamics relevant to our work together.

  • Recognize my own beautifully flawed humanness and model compassionate accountability and capacity for repair when I make mistakes, as well as extend this grace to you by honoring your beautifully flawed humanness, as we practice letting go of cultural perfectionism together.

  • Maintain professional relational boundaries that are collaboratively agreed to and appropriate for the nature of our work and time together - and proactively communicate with you if our relational boundaries need to adapt and change according to the fluidity of our work together, with the intention of maintaining respect, good faith, and relational safety between us.

  • Honor your confidentiality and HIPAA agreements, and follow your lead with regards to acknowledging our relationship within public spaces and to shared community members.

  • Work with you on cost by offering flexible fees for services so you are able to maintain accessibility over time within shifting contexts and circumstances.

  • Respond to emails, texts, calls in a timely manner (within 72 hours for non-urgent messages, and 24 hours or less for urgent messages), unless otherwise communicated.

  • Work to help you schedule and reschedule appointments as needed.

  • Be open to all feedback about your experience working with me with the intention of continuing to grow and hone my skills to provide quality services.

  • Not end our professional relationship unless you have repeatedly broken these agreements, and we have had a conversation addressing issues, and there still has not been any behavioral changes made on your end.

  • Connect you with other supportive relationships within my circles, share resources and opportunities, and generally engage reciprocally with you in ways that spread the mutual care beyond the standard of labor-for-money transactions.

  • Receive on-going mentorship and elder guidance to support me, keep me accountable in my ethics, and sharpen my skills as a practitioner, including maintain my licensure and pursing continuing education.


  • Show up fully to our work together with honesty, integrity, willingness, attention, presence, care, and commitment to the process - and approach our relationship with good faith and respect for these agreements.

  • Honor and respect me as a dedicated practitioner, parent, and solo-income small business owner who is working hard to balance sustainability with accessibility.

  • Tend to the spirit of our relationship through the energetics of devotion to reciprocity, mutuality, and shared respect vs transactional extraction and individual entitlement - and be considerate about the impact that your choices and actions have on me.

  • Recognize your beautifully flawed humanness and practice compassionate accountability and seek repair when you make mistakes, as well as extend this grace to me by honoring my beautifully flawed humanness, as we practice letting go of cultural perfectionism together.

  • Maintain relational boundaries that are collaboratively agreed to and appropriate for the nature of our work and time together - and proactively communicate with me if our relational boundaries need to adapt and change according to the fluidity of our work together, with the intention of maintaining respect, good faith, and relational safety between us.

  • Hold your appointment commitments and honor my cancellation policy (see below - please read).

  • Communicate proactively with me if your financial circumstances or time availability changes so that I am able to flex with you to the best of my ability and make adjustments on my end.

  • Communicate proactively with me if you choose to pause or stop working with me, including offering me honest and constructive feedback about the nature of your experience. {For 1:1 carework clients and mentees this means agreeing to have a conversation - in session - with me about your choice to pause or stop, with the intention of maintaining mutual respect and care between us, as well as practicing personal and relational accountability to our wants/needs and capacities, within our relative contexts, over shared time together.}

  • Refer other folks to me if you are pleased with your experiences, write honest and detailed testimonials if you feel inspired to share, and generally engage reciprocally with me in ways that spread the mutual care beyond the standard of money-for-labor transactions.


For 1:1 sessions, I ask for 1 FULL WEEK (seven days) notice in advance of any appointment cancellation or rescheduling so that I am able to make adjustments in my schedule. Please email me and I will help you cancel and reschedule - connect@portiarichardson.love.

All appointments (including Initial Sessions) that are canceled or rescheduled within less than 1 WEEK  advance notice, and appointments missed without notice, will be charged in full. This is non-negotiable.

Exceptions will be made for medical and family emergencies.

If you are feeling sick, you are welcome to switch to a virtual appointment if you feel like you can show up for the session, otherwise please contact me asap about rescheduling your session to a later date and I’ll do my best to flex with you.

You are always welcome to switch to virtual session short notice if you cannot make your in-person session for any reason (car troubles, weather, childcare issues, illness, feeling not quite up to it). Please text me the day of your session if you need to switch to virtual : 612-964-1497.